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November 1, 2021

How to use Live Blog’s SEO features

How to use Live Blog’s SEO features

by Helmy Giacoman |  November  1, 2021

One of the key advantages of having a live blog for digital publishers is the SEO boost that real-time news coverage provides. In this post we look at the technical side of SEO in our Live Blog platform and explain how you can make the most of this in your settings and on your website.

Part 1:  ESI and SEO

First, let’s take a look at what Live Blog is, and how it relates to your other content. In essence, Live Blog is a curated timeline of news updates marked with a timestamp. In technical terms it is a group of HTML elements that can be embedded into third-party websites by using an embed code, which takes care of loading that curated timeline of news into the host website.

To host their live blog, many publishers use an iFrame embed code – an HTML element that is used to insert content from a third-party source – which is the quickest way to integrate content from Live Blog into their website. For users coming to the host website, there is no visible difference between Live Blog and any other content.

Here is an example iFrame embed code:

<script src="https://test.liveblog.pro/embed.js" defer></script>
<iframe id="liveblog-iframe" width="100%" scrolling="no" 
data-responsive="yes" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

For search engines, however, the iFrame element (officially called an Inline FRAME) used by default by Live Blog makes the content unreadable and, as a result, does nothing to improve the quality and quantity of your website traffic. That’s because the iFrame is like an envelope, and the Live Blog is like the letter inside. If you want the postal service (i.e. search engines) to read the letter, you have to provide them specific instructions to do so.

The way we recommend to open the envelope and present the letter is by activating the Live Blog advanced ESI (edge-side include) feature  in your theme settings.

To activate the ESI option, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Live Blog instance and click on the burger menu on the top left to open the “Theme Manager.” 
  2. Open the “Settings” dialogue of your theme (based on the default theme) and switch on the option to “Optimise the Live Blog output for ESI.” 
  3. Your output will now be rendered in a way that it can be included right into your webpages making use of ESI technology. Please note that if switching on this option, the output will not work properly as a normal iFrame embed anymore, since we are removing some markup from the output that is required for this purpose. 

After switching on the rendering for ESI, the markup of the “LIVE” output will change and editors can copy the respective URL and put it into their articles to be handled by ESI. The URL can be found in your general settings under “embed code” and look will something like this:

<script src="https://test.liveblog.pro/embed.js" async defer></script> 
<esi:include src="http://test.liveblog.pro/lb-test/blogs/6172fcbdab5f4af0268694e2/index.html"/>

Part 2: Configuring your servers

Now comes the more technical part. Many websites use a caching engine – such as Varnish – which sits in front of a server to deliver content and balance load. After toggling on the ESI embed feature in your Live Blog instance, the next step is to work with your infrastructure team to configure the backend of your website, including any caching engine, to recognize this ESI content. 

Fortunately, most developers will be able to do this rather quickly. But If you need tips or have other questions about Live Blog, get in touch with our support team at the Live Blog help desk.

Looking for a better live blogging solution? Try out Live Blog from Sourcefabric for seven days free, no strings attached. Get your trial version here.

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August 4, 2021

Reaching Readers in Germany with Live Blog Pro

Live Blogging Bavaria

by Gregory Bruno |  August 4, 2021

When news breaks in the German state of Bavaria, there’s a good chance Passauer Neue Presse (PNP) has broken it. And when PNP’s news reaches its audience, there’s also a good chance that it was delivered via Live Blog, Sourcefabric’s professional live-blogging software.

Since 2017, PNP has been using Live Blog to report the events of the day. What attracted PNP’s editors to the platform was its ease of use, and Sourcefabric’s commitment to data protection and an open-source ethos. But what has kept PNP a Live Blog customer is the platform’s ability to tag and deliver content to specific audiences, a feature that became essential during the pandemic.

Roland Mitterbauer

“Before Covid-19, we mainly used Live Blog for urgent reporting and breaking news, where the situation changes constantly,” like election nights, disasters, and important political stories, explains PNP Deputy Editor-in-Chief Roland Mitterbauer. “But during the coronavirus crisis, we began using Live Blog for long-term coverage for the first time,” a decision that was done out of necessity.

Because PNP’s coverage area is huge – as the largest German state by landmass, Bavaria makes up one-fifth of the country and is home to some 13 million people – PNP editors needed a way to segment content based on regions and topics. Covid-19 was (and remains) a global story that affects people differently by region. The delivery of news content, therefore, must be targeted. With filtering and tagging options built in, Live Blog makes this easy.

“Our cover area is large. To serve it, we maintain a single Covid-19 blog, but each post in this blog is tagged with a region so that we can offer single blogs for each region in our distribution area by using Live Blog’s features (such as social media integration and photo galleries). We include these features on regional special pages that are enriched with data journalism and include the live blogs as a textual supplement.”

PNP’s Live Blog use case is similar to Norway’s NTB news agency, which has adapted their instance of Live Blog to target audiences with greater precision. NTB has also configured their internal publishing systems to publish content directly to Live Blog, which editors there use to enhance breaking or live event coverage with feature stories and multimedia content. PNP has also tested integrating its publishing system with Live Blog, via RSS feeds, to make it easier to target content to content-specific blogs.

Even after Covid-19, PNP plans to continue experimenting with Live Blog as an additional resource for publishing and production. “We’ll be using Live Blog again for the federal election in September [2021],” Mitterbauer says. “Moreover, with the Live Blog Reporter app for Android and iOS, all our editorial teams have access to Live Blog and so they can report directly from their smartphones. Our claim as a local newspaper is to score with regional content in the federal election as well and to report on the elections in the region.” Live Blog stands ready to assist.

Looking for a better live blogging solution? Try out Live Blog from Sourcefabric for seven days free, no strings attached. Get your trial version here.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

June 21, 2021

Using Live Blog for Live Coverage of a Tech Product Launch

Using Live Blog for Live Coverage of a Tech Product Launch

by Gregory Bruno |  June 21, 2020

For tech titans, product launches are good theater, and great business. In 2020, Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), an annual showcase of the company’s latest products and features, drew 23 million online viewers, dedicated fans who hung on every word before opening their wallets. 

Tech product launches are also good for news organisations, as gatherings like WWDC present opportunities for media outlets to reach new audiences. But for editors, product launch events can present a quandary. Does a new phone feature or fresh OS really warrant a feature story, or would a news brief, photo, or social media update suffice?

With Live Blog, editors don’t need to answer this question. That’s because a product launch can be covered by any combination of the above content, and then some.

Designed by journalists for journalists, Live Blog is jam-packed with features making coverage of product launches seamless for newsrooms, and endlessly engaging for audiences.

For instance, the Live Blog backend allows for easy post scheduling, a great feature if you’re covering an embargoed event or if you want to push out a post at a specific time – linked, say, to when a key speaker is scheduled to take the stage.

Published posts can also be individually shared to social media simply by mousing over the sharing arrow in the lower right corner of a post in your blog’s timeline. This makes it a breeze for readers to amplify your content and raise your blog’s profile. 

Live Blog is also great for teams. With no limit to the number of users, and with granular user access controls, privileges can be adjusted to ensure that only certain users have publishing rights. Team members can file their copy, photos, or videos directly to the blog’s backend, and editors can control what goes live, when.

Once published, users can even filter content based on tags, from oldest to newest, or vice versa. This allows readers to decide for themselves how they want to engage with your content. For live product launches, it might make most sense to see the oldest post first, reading the blog in chronological order without scrolling to the bottom and reading up. By contrast, readers of a Live Blog covering a sporting event might be interested only in the results, so seeing the newest post on top would make most sense.

Finally, Live Blog can be configured to ingest content from any CMS, making it easy to add Live Blog as a publishing channel. Using a third-party application called Integromat, you can create a webhook to automatically pull content into your Live Blog instance. This content can then be set to auto-publish to your Live Blog or require approval from an editor. At NTB, Norway’s leading news agency, editors on the Sports Desk use this feature to create a richer blog experience for their readers, supplementing live event coverage with in-depth features and analysis from the NTB wire. News organisations covering product launches could deploy a similar setup, taking their coverage to a new level.

Public product launches have been part of the tech business long before Apple made them synonymous with Silicon Valley. But while inventors like Alexander Graham Bell and Guglielmo Marconi organised events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to present their communication devices (the telephone and wireless telegraphy, respectively), the reach for these gatherings was limited to the scientific and technical communities.

 If only they’d had a Live Blog.

Looking for a better live blogging solution? Try out Live Blog from Sourcefabric for seven days free, no strings attached. Get your trial version here.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

May 21, 2021

Live Blog: The ‘Missing Link’ for Norway’s Sports Fans

Live Blog: The ‘Missing Link’ for Norway’s Sports Fans

by Gregory Bruno |  May 21, 2020

Norwegians love live sports. In 2019, for instance, more than 1.2 million people – nearly a quarter of the country – tuned in to watch Norway dominate the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships (Norway won 25 medals that year; Germany, in second place, took home just nine).

For print and online news producers – in Norway and far beyond – live sporting events present a coverage quandary: how can their journalists deliver content that audiences want even as broadcasters deliver the action in real time to people’s living rooms? At NTB, Norway’s leading news agency, the answer lies in Live Blog.

NTB’s sports journalists have begun using Live Blog to supplement the news agency’s live event coverage blogs with in-depth analysis, multimedia, and long-form reporting. Terje Alstad, Head of Sports Data at NTB, says when done properly, a live blog provides content that broadcasters cannot.

“When you have photographers or journalists on site, they can send whatever they have into the Live Blog feed,” says Alstad. “For example, if a Norwegian skier was angry that he didn’t get a medal, our photographers might capture a photo of the guy throwing his helmet, which can give readers of the Live Blog fresh insight and on-the-ground colour.”

NTB Sports is also using Live Blog to share stories from the new agency’s wire that might be of interest to sports fans following live event coverage – like a regular article from the race, a feature story, or a photo essay.

Until now, live blogs played more of a supporting role in the news agency’s sports coverage. Data from the Norwegian Football Federation, for instance, is fed into NTB’s internal backend and delivered to clients as box scores and automated stories; Nettavisen, one of Norway’s most popular online news sites, uses NTB data to power its football live blog. But last year, after NTB set up an easy integration between Superdesk, the newsroom’s open-source CMS, and Live Blog, to report on the constant flow of Covid-19-related news, other desks within the news agency started to take notice. NTB’s Sports Desk has been among the most ardent converts.

Today, Alstad says NTB is delivering its enhanced sports Live Blog content to some of the country’s largest news publishers, including Nettavisen and Dagbladet. Even TV broadcasters have signed up. NTB is a “third party for TV 2,” says Alstad, meaning that NTB’s “reporters are choosing and sending stories to the broadcaster for inclusion in their live blog so that TV 2’s editors don’t have to.”

Alstad adds: “This integration between Superdesk and Live Blog has improved our sports coverage; it is kind of the missing link for our live blogs. Now, we can supplement our live event coverage with interviews and other stories, material that can be managed by editors on the desk. With this extra content capability, Live Blog’s usefulness has been extended.”

Looking for a better live blogging solution? Try out Live Blog from Sourcefabric for seven days free, no strings attached. Get your trial version here.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

April 28, 2021

Building New Real-Time News Products

Building New Real-Time News Products

by Gregory Bruno |  April 28, 2020

Since launching its Covid-19 Live Blog early last year, NTB, Norway’s leading news agency, has continued to integrate the live blogging platform into its editorial workflow.  

New Live Blogs have included a December 2020 feed to report on the aftermath of a massive landslide near Oslo, and another in January to report on the riots at the US capital.

For editors in Oslo, this has enabled more immersive storytelling, bringing clients and their readers richer content in a more efficient, streamlined process. 

“In the last year we’ve been a lot more focused on news bulletins and live coverage,” says NTB technology and development editor Magnus Aabech, who is spearheading the agency’s live blogging strategy. “The format itself has become really important for NTB based on client feedback. And, with the Superdesk-Live Blog integration that we launched in early 2020, we can give clients what they want in an easy-to-digest and publish format.”

Replicating Benefits: Building New Products and Services

Because the integration with Live Blog is CMS-agnostic – it can be configured with any content management system – news producers of any size can use the Live Blog platform in much the same way as NTB. For instance, if a news agency or other content creator was covering their region’s elections, stories from their CMS could be published to their Live Blog via an API, and this content could then be syndicated to subscribers as an extra service. 

This is exactly what the NTB Sports Desk is doing. During the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships this winter, an NTB reporter worked the event live, providing readers with real-time coverage of the races and events. Editors, meanwhile, were able to feed the Live Blog with articles and features sent directly from the CMS. And because Live Blog enables multiple users to work together on a single blog, NTB’s photographers were able to file their pictures directly to the Live Blog, providing on-the-ground insights that not even the television networks could manage. 

Together, this collection of live updates, fresh photos, and in-depth reporting gave readers comprehensive coverage of one of skiing’s most important annual events. It also became another product NTB offers its customers.

“The Live Blog integration with our CMS has given us a new area of publishing capability,” says Aabech. “Live Blog is customisable and can do a lot of the work for us. Even internally, it’s been a great way to get people to think more visually about the content we distribute.”

NTB’s Live Blog Journey

When the coronavirus pandemic hit Norway, NTB turned to Live Blog as a means to distribute content quickly and in a more targeted fashion. As Norway’s biggest news agency, NTB’s bread and butter is short wire reports and breaking news, content that was being produced at a rapid clip during the height of the outbreak. But most of NTB’s clients – newspapers, news websites, and other traditional publishers – could only make use of a fraction of the agency’s output. There were simply too many stories on the wire for a news publisher to slot into their website in real-time.

To solve this challenge, NTB technologists, working with Sourcefabric, developed a simple configuration to connect Superdesk, the newsroom’s CMS, with Live Blog, our professional live blogging platform. The goal was to make it easy for NTB’s content users to integrate curated blog feeds into their own website, eliminating the need to trawl the NTB wire and update content throughout the day. Clients could either embed the NTB Live Blog feed directly into their website, or, by using an API, adjust the look and feel of the NTB Live Blog to match their own visual brand.

“Live Blog has allowed us to provide our clients and subscribers with richer content, mixing photos, graphics, and visually driven elements in a single feed,” says Aabech. “It’s really been a great way to tailor content to our clients’ needs, and to find new ways to deliver our journalism.”

To do more with less, news organisations need tools that increase efficiencies and streamline content output. Tools like Live Blog can help.

Looking for a better live blogging solution? Try out Live Blog from Sourcefabric for seven days free, no strings attached. Get your trial version here.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

November 25, 2020

Using A Live Blog for Black Friday Deals

Using Live Blog for Black Friday Deals

Using Live Blog for Black Friday Deals

by The Live Blog Team |  November 25, 2020

Once Black Friday was only part of the holiday shopping season for retailers. Today it triggers major consumer activity for anyone in the content business: not only when readers make purchases, but also for reading reviews and checking out what the trends and must-have items are for the season. That’s why Black Friday can be a big opportunity for publishers too.

Brands, retailers and news media all benefit from the extra attention that consumers pay to their favourite websites on the last Friday in November in search of deals on the stuff they want to get or gift. Typically those must-have items span a range of categories, from electronics and household goods to makeup and fashion, each offered by a variety of retailers or websites.

Using a live blogging platform as a real-time deal ticker, publishers can present all of the latest promotions in one place. Here are some examples from around the web:

  1. Becleverwithyourcash.com
  2. Sonicstate.com
  3. Nettavisen.no
Netavisen Black Friday Live Blog

Netavisen’s Black Friday Live Blog

And this year, with brick-and-mortar stores closed or at limited capacity, customers will be doing most of their holiday shopping online. Publishers can benefit from this trend by inking an affiliate or referral agreement with retailers.   

How a Black Friday live blog works  

A Black Friday live blog is one part editorial curation and one part affiliate marketing.  

Publishers can either earn a commission when readers go on to visit a retailer’s storefront from the deals mentioned on the live blog, or sell paid placements directly. Another benefit to publishers’ websites is the increase in traffic. One publisher told us that their Black Friday Live Blog, and the live video that goes with it, boosts traffic by 43% on Black Friday over their daily average of 700,000 daily readers.  

Readers not only see it as a service, but also a fun read they enjoy spending time on. In particular, they may appreciate the personal touch added by a blog’s editors.

Live blogging special deals year round

The official week of Black Friday runs from the last Monday of November to the first Monday of December. However, savvy editors start adding the pre-holiday promotions as early as late September for those deal-hunters who never stop searching for the best bargain.

How can Live Blog boost your content monetisation strategy? Get in touch with us for a personal consultation.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

July 23, 2020

Live Blog’s New Tagging Functionality for Digital Publishers

Live Blog’s New Tagging Functionality for Digital Publishers

by Todd Jatras |  July 22, 2020

The recent release of Live Blog 3.8 introduced a new tagging feature that improves the discoverability of live blogging content for digital news publishers and their readers.

Previously, it was only possible to search on the content within a timeline by three criteria: newest, oldest, and editor’s choice. But editors can now create and apply as many tags as they want to each post as it’s published, making posts within a blog timeline searchable on a granular level. 

Readers will now see an additional dropdown menu, labeled Filter Content, that displays all the available tags they can search on. If, to use one example, a reader of a blog on Premier League football was a fan of Liverpool F.C. and was interested only in items relevant to their team, they could pull down the menu, find their team’s name, select it, and the blog timeline would only display Liverpool-related posts.

To create tags to include in a post, go to Live Blog’s General Settings (see image below) and type them into the Global Tags dialogue box. If a term is not already there, you will be given the option to create that tag. These tags are global, and once they’ve been created they will be available to all the different timelines within a publisher’s blogging portfolio.

Live Blog 3.8, New Tagging Functionality
To apply these tags, there is a
Tag(s) dialogue box in the editor field, on the bottom of each post. Type in the first few letters of the desired tag, and the predictive text will list available tags below it based on that criteria. In the example below “pr” brought up “press freedom” (highlighted in blue). Select the tag(s) you want, and click update. If the tag you’re looking for is not there, go to General Settings and add it.

When looking at the same post live, from the reader’s perspective (see below), the “press freedom” tag we just created appears under Filter Content.


When the reader selects that tag, only content containing that term will be displayed in the blog timeline. 

This new level of search granularity is convenient for both readers, who may be interested in dipping far back into their favourite blog’s archive, and publishers looking to get a better handle on their overall blog content production.

Want to see what Live Blog can do for your publication? Sign up for your free trial here: https://calendly.com/naveed-gill-dkk/30min?month=2024-04

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

July 1, 2020

Live Blog’s New Tagging Functionality: Better Syndication and Content Discoverability

Editor’s Pick: 9 Events to Live Blog the First Quarter Of 2021

Live Blog’s New Tagging Functionality: Better Syndication and Content Discoverability

by Todd Jatras |  July 01, 2020

With the release of Live Blog 3.8, we’ve introduced local and global tagging functionality that streamlines the process of syndicating blog content for news agencies and their clients.

Until now, it was only possible to filter content within a timeline based on three options: newest first, oldest first or editor’s choice. This was useful for readers following a story, but limiting for news outlets looking for posts relevant to their audience. Editors had to wade through what could be a sea of posts to find what they were looking for. But users now have a drop-down menu that displays the list of tags editors have assigned to a specific blog, and can find appropriate content by filtering on these tags.

In addition to global tags that can be applied across Live Blog instances, editors can also create and apply local tags to individual posts within a timeline. Then, using these tags, they can filter content and create syndication channels for news topics based on single or multiple preset tags. (Note: Using global or local tags is an either-or decision; it is not possible to use both at the same time.)

Creating and applying tags across instances or within timelines is now a standard Live Blog syndication feature.

For instance, if an agency is running a live blog on the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, editors could tag each post within that blog timeline according to location or region (Germany, Austria, Norway, etc.) and media outlets in those countries would be able to identify appropriate items by filtering with their relevant tags. 

Some of our Live Blog clients, such as German news agency DPA, have dozens of live blogs going at a time, and are constantly adding new ones as big news stories break that require live coverage. 

Finding particular topics among all of those blogs was the goal of introducing tag-based filtering in the latest Live Blog release. Now, news agencies and their clients can search across blog instances and within individual blog timelines, and set up more targeted syndication output channels. With an embed link created on the back end of Live Blog, clients will only see the content that has been filtered based on those tags.

If you are not yet a Live Blog user and you’re looking for live blogging software to cover real-time news, you can try Live Blog for free here, no strings attached.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

March 26, 2020

How To Upload Videos to YouTube Directly from Live Blog 

The Latest Updates for our Live Blog Reporter Mobile App

How To Upload Videos to YouTube Directly from Live Blog 

by Todd Jatras |  Mar 26, 2020

There are many reasons why you should be using videos in your live blogs, chief among them is providing readers with a fuller, visual perspective on the story at hand. Adding videos to your timeline also has an immediate impact on SEO efforts, as search engines tend to give a higher ranking to pages containing rich media, which in turn drives higher organic traffic and reader engagement. Our live blogging software gives you the option to do exactly that.

With that in mind, our recent release of Live Blog 3.6 included the ability to link your blog to a YouTube account and set it up to simultaneously upload videos there as you post them to your timeline.

Read on for a step-by-step guide to linking your Live Blog and YouTube accounts in five easy steps.  


Step 1:

First, to set this up successfully, you will need to have administrative access for your Live Blog instance. You also need to have an active Google/YouTube account. Since Google own Youtube, you must have a Google account to set up Youtube. If you don’t already have an account, go to google.com and register for one, then sign in and go to https://console.developers.google.com/

Step 2: 

On the top left-hand side of this page (see below), pull down the “Select Project” menu and click “NEW PROJECT”. In the “Project name” field, give your project an easy-to-remember name like “LB YouTube”, then click the “CREATE” button. 

Click New Project

Step 3:

On the Google console page, click “+ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES” (below), which takes you to the API Library page. Scroll down the page and select “YouTube API v3”, then click the “ENABLE” button.

Enable APIs

Step 4:

Now go to Credentials under APIs & Services (see below), click the “+CREATE CREDENTIALS” menu at the top of the page and select “OAuth client ID”. For application type, select “web application”. In the “Authorized redirect URLs” field, enter the redirect URL for your Live Blog instance (example: https://demo.liveblog.pro/api/video_upload/oauth2callback) and click the “CREATE” button. Do not  include a backslash on the end of the URL or you will receive an error message.


Step 5:

Now that you have YouTube credentials (Client ID and secret code), download the file containing them by clicking the “DOWNLOAD JSON” button on the top of the page or the arrow down icon. Finally, go to Live Blog (see below), choose any blog you’ve created there (see below) and click “ADD CONTENT HERE”, select “Video”, then click “UPDATE CREDENTIALS” and follow the directions to upload the JSON file you downloaded.

And there you have it. Now, when you post a video to your timeline by dropping it into the “Drag Video here” zone (above), it will be automatically uploaded to your YouTube account.

If you are not yet a Live Blog user and you’re looking for live blogging software to cover real-time news, you can try Live Blog for free here, no strings attached.

Ready to begin liveblogging?

Getting started has never been easier.

January 23, 2020

Guide to Live Blogging: Everything you need to know

Creating a new live blog

Guide to Live Blogging: Everything you need to know

by Greg Bruno |  Jan 23, 2020

In today’s news cycle, there’s no time for down time: live blogs are one of the best ways to deliver information quickly. But what, exactly, is live blogging, and what are live blogs good for? Good questions; here are some answers.

What is a live blog, anyway?

A live blog, sometimes referred to as “live text,” is a blog post that provides a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event supplemented with images, videos, and other digital material. According to The Guardian: “Live blogs provide commentary and analysis alongside breaking news rather than summarising the event after it is over. It’s a transparent format in which the writers are able to update and amend their commentaries in easily digestible paragraphs.”

Live blogging can be used for a wide variety of events and circumstances – such as sporting events, elections and conferences. Although live blogs are constantly evolving, news organisations use live blogs for a number of reasons: to reach wider audiences, to increase the transparency of the traditional news-making process, to increase content engagement, and even to generate new streams of revenue through blog syndication.

Live blogging through the ages

What started in the mid-2000s as a software tool for techies to broadcast technology conferences has since become an essential story format for journalists and other information providers to distribute digital coverage in chronological order.

Personalisation is a live blog’s comparative advantage. Unlike television, which must be watched in a linear way and in real time (although viewers can record it and watch it later), live blogs allow readers to start at any point in the story and reread, save, share, and digest information at their own pace.

Why live blogging?

Live blogs are widely read. In 2012, research by City University London found that live blogs get 300% more views and 233% more visitors than conventional online articles on the same subject. Live blogs also outperform online picture galleries, getting 219% more visitors. In 2013, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found that readers increasingly prefer live blogs to static content and believe live coverage to be more balanced and neutral. Additionally, 62% of survey takers said live blogs are the best format to consume news at work.

More recent data shows that audiences are spending less time reading full news stories and more time engaging with highlights and breaking news –  everything from Steph Curry’s three-point buzzer beater to coverage of natural disasters. In fact, when big news breaks, studies show that readers actively seek out quality information through online search – before content is shared on social media. That’s one reason why having a live blog dedicated to breaking news coverage will boost your site’s profile online.

But the benefits are not limited to the immediate time during and after an event. It turns out that readers go back, again and again, to visit live blog timelines of events in the past. “Our experience is that live blogs drive lots of traffic to our site,” said Sybille Klormann, an editor at Zeit Online covering politics and economics. “We are often surprised at how many people visit these blogs, especially during elections, but also show a continued interest afterwards.”

Bottom line: “Live blogging can be a very valuable resource to your readers if done right,” says professional blogger Cameron Chapman. “If you take the time and keep focused throughout an event to provide useful information to your readers, they’ll often consider your blog the go-to place for event coverage in your industry. If it’s done poorly, though, all those blog posts will likely just be looked at as filler or fluff by your readers, and may even annoy some to the point they unsubscribe from your RSS feed.”

Start blogging right away with Live Blog Pro!

Set up your new blog in minutes and never worry about updates, performance or security issues again. Start your 7-day trial today! No credit card required.

Proven use cases for live liveblogging

Live blogs can be used for covering a wide-array of news stories and banner events – such as breaking news, elections, esports, and live sports. But even the most niche topics can find an audience with a well-done live blog.

Aleks Vickovich, wealth and legal managing editor at Momentum Media in Australia, says one company publication, ifa (Independent Financial Adviser) used a live blog to cover two weeks of financial hearings in 2018. As a result, ifa saw its new traffic increase by 200%. For a publication with “an extremely niche audience of hard core fans,” Vickovich said the growth made possible with live blog was staggering. “We had something like 60,000 unique visits in the two-week period, which is about twice what we usually get in a month.”

Part of that success is because live blog content is becoming more visible in web searches. Why does this matter? Because when the text of a live blog post appears as native content to search engines, it raises the profile of that news organisation’s coverage in new web searches, and also helps with the site’s overall SEO (search engine optimisation).

How to live blog successfully

The Internet is full of tips on how to live blog properly, and it can be a challenge to cut through the digital noise. To help you make the most out of your live blogging activity, we’ve collated some of the best insights from across the industry:

Step #1 | Choose the right live blog software

First you need to pick a blogging platform that serves your needs. Sourcefabric’s Live Blog is a powerful, professional open-source live blogging tool created for journalists and bloggers on the go. It includes rich media posts – like image slideshows and video streams – as well as custom post types and scorecards for covering sporting events.

Additionally, Live Blog offers easy ways to monetise your coverage with tools to integrate native or remote ads into your live blog’s timeline. The platform also offers a mobile reporting app (Live Blog Reporter) that allows your live blog team to contribute directly from their mobile phones.

Step #2 | Plan your coverage BEFORE you start blogging

Once you’ve got your platform picked out, now you need to think deeply about your blogging strategy. Coming up with material ad hoc is not the best practice for maintaining a successful live blog. Even though events unfolding in real time often leave little to no opportunity to prepare, there will inevitably be in-between moments where not much is happening. During these times, it’s important for you to have relevant material prepared in advance, general knowledge on the topic you’re covering, and reliable contacts who can assist you.

Step #3 | Think in terms of editorial resources

Producing a good live blog requires people. Some practical questions to consider: is there enough staff available at that particular moment and are there reporters on the scene able to provide information, verify facts, as well as submit images and videos? If the answer is no, perhaps a live blog isn’t the correct format.

Step #4 | Build in communication and collaboration tools

Using established lines of communication is essential for a time-sensitive format like live blogging. If you have a team of more than one, how will you share information about the blog’s content? Whether it’s a tool like Slack or email, you’ll need a way to exchange ideas and content before it’s posted.

Step #5 | Experiment

Because news consumers have taken a much greater interest in live blogs, the go-to form of storytelling offers endless opportunities for innovating. New organisations use live blogging for boosting audience engagement, increasing transparency in the news-production process, and even to generate revenue. There’s really no end to how a live blog can be deployed.

Live Blog examples

Below you will find a variety of live blog examples from around the web that best illustrate the potential of the format.

Eurovision's live blog

The Eurovision Song Contest’s live blog complemented their branding nicely.


6 Reasons to Live Blog Your Next Conference

M100 Sanssouci Colloquium


Ambiental Jalisco using Live Blog

Ambiental Jalisco


For Live Blog tutorials, check out our YouTube channel or our blog.

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