by Todd Jatras | December 17, 2019
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December 19, 2019
Introducing Live Blog 3.7

Introducing Live Blog 3.7
With the release of version 3.7, Live Blog users now have greater control over the management of their content: how they track, syndicate, and even delete it. Ease of use and seamless integration with newsroom workflows has never been better with the industry’s leading live blogging platform.
Live Blog’s new tagging functionality allows editors to apply single or multiple tags to a blog post and filter content based on those tags. Creating syndication models and output channels with new this new feature makes it easier than ever to identify and share blogs between news organisations.
If you’ve ever hit the delete button and immediately regretted it, you need no longer worry about accidentally losing content. Deleted blogs will no longer vanish instantly, but will stay in the “trash” for three days by default.
Live Blog 3.7 also features a new Global Settings section where you can conveniently manage all Live Blog general configurations. We’ve implemented a new setting that allows you to adjust the default privacy status for YouTube video uploads, and that can be conveniently accessed here.
To see the full rundown of 3.7 features, as well as a complete list of bug fixes and performance improvements for this release, visit Live Blog on GitHub. If you have any questions about the latest updates to Live Blog, contact us: