by Todd Jatras | October 22, 2019
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October 22, 2019
Live Blogging a Cultural Event with Live Blog

Live Blogging a Cultural Event with Live Blog
Live blogging is an excellent way to provide your readers with robust, real-time coverage of cultural events, making use of dynamic elements that give readers the sense that they are live, in-person, with the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the actual event.
Cultural events take place every day, in all corners of the world; day in, day out, there’s a full slate of festivals, sporting events, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, and more, drawing in the crowds. But there’s also a potentially large online audience, eager for the latest news, updates and experiences that give the feeling of actually being in attendance.
Whether it’s a mega-event like Burning Man or something more along the lines of a local art fair, one of the best ways to produce this kind of “experience” coverage, and assure that interested readers find it, is by blogging.
Traditional formats like the standard newspaper article fall short when it comes to conveying that sense of being there. A digital-native tool like our Live Blog, however, with its multimedia capabilities (photo galleries, video and social media post embeds) and flexibility opens up new dimensions to capture the richness of any experience.
To give you a sense of this, we set out to live blog an arts event ourselves. The Signal Festival is an annual showcase of light-based art and new media works held every autumn in Prague.
October 9, 2019
Win More Readers with Custom Posts for Covering Sports

Win More Readers with Custom Posts for Covering Sports
by Todd Jatras | October 8, 2019
All good journalism answers the 5 Ws: who, what, where, when and why. When it comes to covering sports, “how much?” or “how many?” is the other big question that preoccupies fans. Your live blog can cover all the bases: helping fans keep track of their favourite players on and off the field, along with the points they score in the game.
We recently enhanced Live Blog’s coverage options for sports with custom posts to report on football player transfers, as well as the score in tennis matches.
The two main transfer windows during the year for European football, at the start of the year and again in summer, are ideal times to start a live blog for player trades. You can also get creative and use Live Blog for a variety of other real-time updates on matches, players and league standings.
For tennis matches, we have a new custom post that highlights the players in the match as well as letting you update the score in real time.
And this is just a sampling of the creative options available for covering sports. Another possibility, if you cover the American sports leagues, would be to have a custom post type for the draft season in basketball or American football. (For the technical details of creating your own custom post types, see the documentation on our wiki.)
And for more tips on how to make the best use of Live Blog’s scorecard for any sporting event, you can read this blog post or watch this short video.