by Gregory Bruno | May 8, 2019
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May 8, 2019
Ending the Endless Upload: Add Videos to Your Blog Faster with Live Blog 3.6

Ending the Endless Upload: Add Videos to Your Blog Up to 40% Faster with Live Blog 3.6
For many bloggers, video is the pièce de résistance. Competition for eyeballs online is fierce, and relevant video content is often the difference between clicks on your posts or on someone else’s. When slow upload speeds frustrate the proceedings, potential audiences go elsewhere.
Previous versions of Live Blog required users to toggle between metadata, processing steps, and cross-posting. But after much hard work, Live Blog version 3.6 has streamlined this process. With this beta release, direct video uploads to YouTube can now be managed directly from the Live Blog editor, meaning that seconds once lost to agonizingly-slow upload speeds can now be spent actually blogging.
“Videos are among the most popular pieces of content on our clients’ blogs, but until the rollout of 3.6, users needed to juggle two systems to get their videos published. No longer,” said Live Blog product manager Evgeny Deulin. “By enabling direct uploading to YouTube, Live Blog users will see their videos published and viewable faster than ever.”
We wanted to quantify just how much extra time this new feature would save bloggers. So, after creating a blog in our in-house testing platform, we hit start on the stopwatch and began uploading a 17 second, 34.5 MB snowboarding video of yours truly (which will remain forever hidden for vanity reasons). In our test it took about two minutes for the full video to process via the new beta uploader, and after attaching a quick headline and description, we were able to share it with colleagues in under three minutes (2:55).
We then compared this with the amount of time spent uploading, tagging, and publishing of the same video to YouTube (with the same stopwatch running), followed by embedding to our Live Blog demo instance. From start to finish, that two-step process took more than five minutes (5:17) to complete. Bottom line: when it comes to publishing videos on your blog, Live Blog 3.6 can slash upload times by more than 40%.
Version 3.6 comes with several additional bug fixes and performance improvements; you can see the full changelog and list of fixes here. We have also prepared a how-to guide on how to connect a Live Blog instance to your YouTube account.
Ready to blog better? Visit to sign up for the Live Blog newsletter for all our latest updates, and get in touch with any questions here.