by Sarah Wilson | November 6, 2018

Notable Platform for SaaS Reviews Delights Live Blog with 2 Blog Software Titles
With its slick advertising interface, and plenty of features for keeping your feed rich and engaging, we at Sourcefabric believe that Live Blog is the perfect tool for journalists covering live, or ongoing, events. But we’re not the only ones. We’re delighted that FinancesOnline has awarded us with the “Great User Experience” and “Rising Star” certificates in a glowing Live Blog features review published on their site in October.
The review covered several aspects of Live Blog, including benefits like content portability and the software’s optimisation for mobile platforms, allowing journalists to update audiences even while on the go.
Aside from comparing us against the best blog software in the market, FinancesOnline also illustrated the challenges that Live Blog can solve for journalists. This included monetising live blogs, with integration of native remote ads, as well as “slow blogs”; a concept which involves covering a certain topic over a long period of time. DPA, one of our Live Blog customers, has utilised this capability to cover all manner of subjects, from weird, offbeat news stories to the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe.
The review also highlighted Live Blog’s “SEO Default Theme”, a tool that makes the content of your live blog more visible in web searches, therefore bringing extra traffic to your page. Live Blog’s efficiency in improving one’s blog strategies as well as its open-source codebase were a talking point for FinancesOnline, giving journalists all the tools specific and unique to their work while eliminating anything they don’t need.
Overall, the reviewers at FinancesOnline were impressed with Live blog, calling it “fast, intuitive and flexible, letting journalists do their best when they arrive on the scene”. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, head over to our website for a free demo – and get live blogging today.